Planning Commission: February 11, 2021

Open Agenda

Item 1 00:03:07

Case PL2020-2 Fourteen Foods/DQ (user) (public hearing) 94 Lyndale LLC (owner) 9304 Lyndale Avenue Conditional use permit for the reestablishment of a restaurant with a drive-through and outdoor seating

Item 2 00:04:51

Case PL2021-1 Jill Leslie Fairchild (public hearing) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment allowing single family dwellings in the Medium Density Residential desination subject to performance standards

Item 3 01:10:06

City of Bloomington (cont. from 1/28) (study item) Discussion of Planning Commission Meeting Format

Item 4 01:41:28

City of Bloomington (study item) Consider approval of draft 1/14/21 and 1/21/21 Planning Commission meeting synopses